Choose your plan

Applications Have Reopened for Ethical Lifestyle & Fashion Brands.

If you are part of a Caring Brand, fill out an application and help us change the world.

 Allto People & Planet

  • Free

    Free/ Month

    5 products

    Revenue up to 500.00 USD

    Transaction fee: 10%

    Vendor microstore

    No Monthly fees
    Up to 5 products 
    Open to all categories
    Revenue up to $500/month
    10% transaction fee
    Microstore included

  • Premium (limited time - 1yr free)

    Free/ Month

    20 products

    Revenue up to 1,000.00 USD

    Transaction fee: 10%

    Vendor microstore

    Up to 20 products
    Open to all categories
    Revenue up to $1000/month
    10% transaction fee
    Microstore included

  • Best choice

    Exclusive (limited time - 1yr free)

    Free/ Month

    Unlimited products

    Unlimited revenue

    Transaction fee: 10%

    Vendor microstore

    Unlimited products
    Open to all categories
    Unlimited revenue
    10% transaction fee
    Microstore included